miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

How to magnetize warbeasts

(During this guide I will be butchering the English language since It is not my mother language.....you have been warned)

Some people has asked me how did I magnetize my Legion heavy warbeasts so here are more pictures and witch magnets did I use.

First of all when you magnetize anything you need to be very VERY careful about the polarity on the magnets, I cant stress this point enough, once the magnet is in place you cant take it out, so if you screw the polarity...YOU CANT REPAIR THE MISTAKE

On this pictures I have painted my positive polarity in red and my negative polarity in blue so you can have an idea of what I did.

The magnet sizes:

For the arms I used Rare Earth Magnets 3/16" x 1/16" x25

For the heads I used Rare Earth Magnets 1/8" x 1/16" x50

So I took the Carnivean from the Legion Starter Box and one box of heavy legion warbeast and decided to magnetize them so I can have more combinations.

And this is the final result:

Now Like I all ready stated I used 3/16" x 1/16" magnets on the arms, some other guides recommend smaller Magnets but when I magnetized some Kador Warjacks with those the arms fell off constantly and it was insanely frustrating, but this bigger magnets hold the arms perfectly and it's impossible for them to fall on their own. For the heads the smaller 1/8" x 1/16" magnets are perfect since the heads don't weight has much.  

On this next pictures you can see how I placed the 3 magnets, they are not IDENTICAL but are around the same place, the important thing about placement is that in the end the magnets need to "Click" perfectly, since that's what makes the hold strong. I recommend magnetizing one first and see if the arms and heads do a nice click and then magnetize the second one using the arms and head of the first one so you can match them.

Now remember the polarity I mentioned before is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. Here I colored blue the negative end of the magnets and red the positive end on the magnet, remember opposites attract eachother. 

So on this next picture you can see how the right side in blue and the left side is red, this is because the magnets are really powerful and you want them to attract eachother even from a distance, other wise the magnets would be pushing themselves and weaken the hold the other magnet has on the arm magnet.

Now see how each arm matches it's respective polarity, blue arms on the red side magnet and red arms on the blue side magnet.

There you have it, I hope I didn't make it even more confusing than it really is and that you guys can have some fun with it.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to elaborate on it.

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Mega Nobz

Por fin termine mis meganobz, me tomo mucho tiempo por el problema de pegar los brazos (y que pues llego mi warmachine mientras los terminaba), pero hoy decidí terminar por fin con ese problema y cerrar mi trabajo de pintura de orkoz con ellos, no creo pintar mas orcos en un buen rato ya que pretendo continuar con mi warmachine.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Khador Juggernaut and Battlebox WIP

Juggernaut pintado, mismo problema que con el destroyer me falta poder imprimir las decals, espero no dejarlo eternamente en mi lista de pendientes.

Y con esto tengo mi Battlebox de Khador pintada y me dedicare ahora a pintar la de Cygnar.